The NEW CoolOne Medical/Industrial Keyboard



Bahia 21 Corporation was born in 2000 as a commercial start up to promote high tech products in the USA and worldwide. The passion of young engineers, combined with the need for a display unit for security products led the Company to designing and producing a new kind of PDA: the MPA - Multimedia Personal Assistant.

Bahia 21 is an expert in high technologies applied to software. At Bahia, we can handle all kind of software from firmware to PDAs and large application such as the one going on for Health Management System in our medical field.
We are currently making the (Bahia Tool Kit (BTK)) which is designed to help the developer community to create graphics and functional interfaces easily.

An outstanding work was achieved by the subsidiary Bahia Europe to design, manufacture and produce a new product from scratch: The Bahia pda. In less than 10 months hardware, software and casing were developed in France. The challenge was enormous but successfully passed.

Our MPA works on a Linux kernel 2.4. We are looking forward to working closely with the Linux community to develop applications and establish Linux as a reliable, efficient and user-friendly OS for handhelds.

Already very active relations have been established with people and companies from around the world such as the USA, Canada, France, Russia, South Korea, India, and Spain…